
Green Day年輕歲月樂團 @ Warning



"This is a public service anouncement

this is only a test

emergency exacuation protest

may impair you ability to operate machinery

can't quite tell just what it means to me

keep out of reach of children

Don't talk to strangers

get your philosophy from a bumper sticker

Warning:Live without warning

Warning:Live without warning

better home and safety-sealed communities?

Did you remember to pay the utility?

Caution:police line:you better not cross

Is it the cop or am I the one that's

really dangerous?

Sanitation, Expiration date, Question Everything?

Or shut up and be the victim of autority

Warning:Live without warning

Warning:Live without warning

better homes and safety-sealed communities?

Did you remember to pay the utility?

Caution:police line:you better not cross

Is it the cop or am I the one that's

really dangerous?

Sanitation, Expiration date, Question Everything?

Or shut up and be the victim of autority

Warning:Live without warning

Warning:Live without warning

This was a public service announcement

this was only a test

    創作者 hum2100 的頭像

    龐克不只是種樂風 更是一種生活態度

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